First impression: Me oh my. Gold’s Gym Riverdale Park is FAAANNNNcy! And huge! And so clean. Kind of like a candy store for fitness buffs (or aspiring ones, ahem….). Since it took me a minute or ten to find the right entrance, going to do you a solid and share an actual picture + coordinates of the entrance:
I wasn’t actually planning on checking out Gold’s; I’m a member of another local gym where I pay $25/month, a rate considerably lower than Gold’s introductory rate. And since cash rules everything around me, $25 is about right. (Nas reference, for the villains and a hundred dollar billers. Which is a Mob Deep reference. I digress.) But – I pretty much attend the other gym because of an amazing spinning instructor – who has since moved on and whose shoes I’m not sure anyone will ever fill (Sharene’s THAT good), so when I learned that Gold’s offers a spinning class (called “Gold’s Cycle”), I thought I’d buck up and check out a free cycle class today. 😊
The cycle room is stocked with all new Keiser bikes. The instructor, Cheryl, was really good and helpful – stopping by to gently suggest form adjustments so that you can get the best out of your workout. The music was a mix of Chris Brown, Coldplay, some techno-ish song and a light rock-type song. General Manager Christopher Braden shared that it’s Gold’s version of SoulCycle, with flashing lights and hand weights to boot! I liked the class but $99/month (you need Gold’s Studio membership to partake in cycle) is on the steep side, especially when other local clubs include spinning for $25/30 (albeit with far fewer bells and whistles and definitely nowhere near as much a plush, lush gym experience as what Gold’s is bringing to the table). It would be great if Gold’s would consider a la carte pricing to add a Studio class to their basic membership fee. Or just a drop-in rate for spinning. Just a thought. 😉
Speaking of bells and whistles, here are some treats that stood out to me: All new equipment. Looks to be about four HUGE warehouse-style rooms full of machines for cardio, strength, stretching and everything in between. Fresh handtowels for when you work out.
There’s also a Kid’s Club, where for $12/month/child or $4/drop-in, you can drop the kids off while you work out. Like the rest of Gold’s, it too is HUGE. And all new, clean toys and things to play with. They have the toy sections divided up by age groups. AND they have two Xboxes! As a parent with an child who would normally cringe/whine at being in a “Kid’s Club,” the mere mention of an Xbox would make his heart sing. Nice work, Gold’s! ALSO – they have a separate area for infants, filled with Rock-a-baby recliners and bouncy seats.
The bathrooms/changing room area is huge, filled with lockers, a sauna and many clean, big shower stalls. They also have a couple of free hairdryers for members’ use.
Gold’s Gym Riverdale Park is a welcome addition to the neighborhood! The basic membership includes a number of great classes like Zumba, BodyPump, Kickboxing, etc. It just doesn’t include my beloved (and required) spinning class. If you go, tell them I sent you; maybe they’ll throw some free spinning/cycle class passes your girl’s way! 👍
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