⏰Time for #whereamiwednesday! ⏰ Do you know where in Prince George’s County these beautiful works of art by local Prince George’s County Public Schools’ students can be found?
There are, in fact, a number of paintings on the walls of this location that are part of the Gorgeous Prince George’s: Then & Now High School Mural Project. According to a nearby description: “The Gorgeous Prince George’s Mural Project gave high school visual arts students the opportunity to depict a scene in Prince George’s County from colonial times to the present. One hundred and forty-two students from 12 high schools participated in the project….As a result, students researched the history of Prince George’s County and the history of their school’s neighborhood and community.”
Here’s another from the walls of this secret place:
Inquiring mind….! These murals are located on the walls just outside of Target at the Mall at Prince George's / PG Plaza!
Nice! You are correct. Now go play the lotto with all this good luck on your side! 🙂
PG Plaza – wall outside of the Target
I don't, but would like to know!