Tell us what you see/don’t see out there. 🙌 Produce well-stocked? *Any* cleaning supplies? Folks keeping their distance? (Sounds like stores/ppl are improving on that last effort.) And if you spot any places with great Easter Eggs, let us know! Some parents are on the last-minute hunt. Not us, of course…! 😉 😊
Community COVID-19 Resources
- Fun, FREE kids activities? Mandy’s bursting with ideas here.
- One-Stop Shop guide to educational resources during these times? UMD’s COViD-19 Family Resource Guide is very helpful.
- Need some sunshine today? Check out the latest Furry Friends of Route 1 – featuring University Park’s Ollie and Masha.
- Need a break from coronavirus info? Read up on Lakeland, the Historic African American Community of College Park.
- Don’t forget – these local grocery stores offer special shopping hours for our older friends and those with compromised immune systems.
- And these local pharmacies now offer free 1-2 day delivery of your prescription medications.
- Here’s a way you can help our local baristas, bartenders, servers who are out of work right now: SoHy Co-op Virtual Tip Jar.
If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends and neighbors.
Emily J shares: “Costco had everything this morning except I didn’t see any cleaning products. Probably good to go before they open. We got there at 10 and by the time we got into the store at 10:20, they were already out of toilet paper. You could see everyone leaving had it in their cart! My guess is that folks are waiting in line to get in well before 10 so they are first in line”
Cheechyoga shares: “The mini target in downtown CP had good supply of toilet paper 6 rolls (limit one per purchase)”
Christine shares: “Was at Hyattsville Safeway this morning. They had some lamb, if people are looking for it… And lots of social distancing now–employees wearing masks and sneeze guards at registers.”
Rayndoodle shares: “Went to the Yes this morning. They still had TP as of 8am. Lots of social distancing measures in place, including that we bagged our own groceries. They had stock in most items, including yeast, which I’ve been looking for. The only thing I saw that was low was butter, but they still had some.”
Magnessgardiner shares: “Lots of cleaning supplies at Home Depot. Going at 6:30 am works really well. Just me and construction guys and not many of them.”
Brian B asks: ” Did anyone happen to notice any matzah anywhere?”
Loriann shares: “Lidl in CP pretty well stocked. Has some cute Easter chocolate s and some plastic eggs, plus some Easter plants”