In case you didn’t know, Prince George’s County Department of Health now offers free COVID-19 testing throughout the county – including 5 locations near the Route 1 corridor. You don’t need an appointment nor a doctor’s note for testing at these sites – and they can accommodate drive-through and walk-up testing for those with or without symptoms.
Spring Cleaning? Donate Clothes & Items to Mt. Rainier Elementary School’s FUNDrive on/before 4/28!
What will you get when you drop off a bag full of your gently used items to Mt. Rainier Elementary School‘s (MRE) parking lot on Saturday, April 28th from 9am – 1pm (or earlier on in the week via option noted below)? You’ll get the awesome feeling (and likely a round of high-fives) knowing that […]
Away this Weekend!
Hey folks! Quick reminder that there’ll be no weekend guides this weekend as I’m taking this weekend to soak up remaining bit of sunshine (and Scotch) with my family. Be back next week with fresh, NEW content and your beloved weekend guides! Thanks for visiting and hearting Route One Fun as much as I do! […]