Friday! Grocery Store Update Time. 🙂 You all came through with tips on where to get flour (Lidl in College Park & Safeway on East-West Highway (though dwindling amount), & yeast (Yes! Organic Market and Aldi in Hyattsville). Let’s be in touch again today and share what you see when grocery shopping. Thanks, all!
More Community COVID-19 Resources
- These Route 1 Small Businesses sell homemade face masks!
- Don’t forget – these local grocery stores offer special shopping hours for our older friends and those with compromised immune systems.
- And these local pharmacies now offer free 1-2 day delivery of your prescription medications.
If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends and neighbors.
Stephanie H shares: “Hyattsville Giant was out of strawberries and had a tiny supply of bananas, but they did have toilet paper and paper towels. Anyone know where I can get strawberries?”
Liz B shares: “Yesterday afternoon Home Depot EW Hwy had one brand of disinfectant called Nutra Max 1 gal bottles (concentrate). At Wegman’s on 202 I noticed the Instacart shoppers mostly had their masks pulled down under their chin (the lanyard they wear identifies them). And aisles are still crowded, not one-way.”
Leah W. shares: “Went to Giant on E/W Hwy at 6am today; already a dozen people in line. Here’s what I found: inventory very uneven: very poor selection of frozen pizzas and meals; ZERO large bags of dry cat food, not much of the smaller bags, barely any Arm & Hammer kitty litter, I got the last two containers of Friskies cat treats; minimal supply of Giant brand canned chicken; ZERO large size jars of Giant brand grated cheese; happy to see good inventory of fresh boneless chicken breasts (regular price wasn’t bad); great price and inventory on Honey Crisp apples and bagged salad mixes; happy to see, for first time in many weeks, any toilet paper.”